Local Time

  • Timezone: Europe/Riga
  • Date: Sep 30 2018
  • Time: 06:30 - 19:30
TAEC Museum


TAEC Museum
Traditional Arts and Ethnology Centre, Luang Prabang, Laos
QR Code


Sep 30 2018


10:30 AM - 11:30 PM



Free Event | World Wind Musical Instrument Demonstration

Join us for an informal demonstration and discussion of three distinctive wind instruments: alpine horn, flute, and khaen, moderated by ethnomusicologist (and flautist) Dr. Marie-Pierre Lissoir.

These three instruments represent the three main types of wind instrument: flutes (flute), reed instruments (khaen), and trumpets (alpine horn). They are from very different parts of the world and have very different sounds and techniques!

Winds & Music, a project of Fanglao Dance Company with the support of SDC, will be performing a free show at the Luang Prabang Primary School at 6:30pm that evening (see event poster below for more information).

Eliana Burki, Swiss alpine horn
Odai and Sin, Lao khaen
Marie-Pierre Lissoir, flute