Local Time

  • Timezone: Europe/Riga
  • Date: Feb 16 2019
  • Time: 05:30 - 06:30
TAEC Museum


TAEC Museum
Traditional Arts and Ethnology Centre, Luang Prabang, Laos
QR Code


Feb 16 2019


10:30 AM - 11:30 AM



Free Talk | Collection Viewing

Join us for a special, behind-the-scenes look at objects from TAEC’s Yao Taoism collection. TAEC Co-Director, Tara Gujadhur, and Collections Manager, Khamchanh (Ton) Souvannalith, will present rare pieces including a Taoist priest robe and paper masks not seen by the public since 2011! These pieces were last on display for the temporary exhibition, “Splendour and Sacrifice: Taoism of Northern Laos.”

Learn more about Taoism in Northern Laos, uses of ritual objects by the Lanten ethnic group, and how they are safely stored, cleaned, and maintained at TAEC. There will also be time for Q&A after the presentation.

Please note that photography of the objects will not be allowed during this event.

-Entry ticket to the museum is not required.