Local Time

  • Timezone: Europe/Riga
  • Date: Nov 23 2019
  • Time: 05:00 - 06:00
TAEC Museum


TAEC Museum
Traditional Arts and Ethnology Centre, Luang Prabang, Laos
QR Code


Nov 23 2019


10:00 AM - 11:00 AM



Free Event | Meet the Musician!

Please join us for this unique opportunity to meet Mr. Neng Chue Vang, local Hmong musician and master instrument maker.

Neng Chue Vang was born in Luang Prabang Province in 1957. While he also helps his family with everyday work, his main activity is making musical instrument. He can craft several Hmong instruments: the mouth organ “qeej”, “raj nplaim”, “raj pum liv”, “raj lev les”, and the jaw harp “ncas”. His artistry has been documented and celebrated in TAEC’s current special music exhibition, “Voices of the Wind: Traditional Instruments in Laos”.

Neng Chue Vang started to play the “qeej” when he was 18 years old. He likes to share his knowledge about Hmong music with his family but also with foreigners. He says, “we don’t have a lot but we want a name and a legacy to leave behind for our children and grandchildren, for the future and for the people to come. So that they can see that I am Hmong”.

Enjoy the morning on the TAEC patio while Neng Chue Vang and Dr. Marie-Pierre Lissoir introduce a few of the more popular Hmong wind instruments, play a few songs, and leave time for a bit of Q&A.

TAEC Museum Patio
Saturday, 23 November 2019
10:00am – 11:00am
All ages welcome and encouraged!

This is a free event and a museum entry ticket is not required.

Explore more music and musical instruments in Laos on our website – https://www.taeclaos.org/music-resources.