Local Time
- Timezone: Europe/Riga
- Date: Jan 07 2023
- Time: 05:00 - 06:00

Free Talk | How HMong Speak with Music (Literally) with Neng Thao
About the talk:
HMong music is an exceptionally unique intangible cultural heritage of humanity. Of the approximately 7,000 languages that exist in the world, the HMong language is the only one to mimic its spoken language through the use of all types of HMong music, enabling HMong musicians to literally speak with what sounds like just instrumental music to outside ears. As such, HMong music not only gives us a window into viewing music and language meets, but also the exceptional flexibility and lengths to which human brains are capable of assigning and attributing meaning and significance. Neng’s presentation will use HMong Musical Languages to change how you view the place and possibilities for music and language in our everyday world.
Please note this is an in-person talk, and will be held at TAEC’s Patio Cafe. The talk will be recorded and uploaded to YouTube after the event for those of you who can’t make it. We look forward to seeing you back at TAEC!
About our guest speaker:
Neng Thao is a HMong American documentarian, artist, and researcher. He was born in Chiang Kham Refugee Camp in Thailand, grew up in Wisconsin, and graduated from Harvard University with his degree in Human Developmental and Regenerative Biology. In 2020, Neng received a Fulbright Independent Research Grant in the field of Linguistics to research HMong whistled and musical languages in Laos. His work in the arts earned him the HMong American Partnership’s Community Impact Award, at the 19th annual HMong National Development Conference in San Jose, California—awarded to those recognized as “A changemaker who is advancing the HMong Community.” Neng has traveled extensively to nearly a hundred different countries, and presented his work and research at various universities and conferences around the world.
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