Local Time

  • Timezone: Europe/Riga
  • Date: Oct 29 2023
  • Time: 05:00 - 11:00
TAEC Museum


TAEC Museum
Traditional Arts and Ethnology Centre, Luang Prabang, Laos
QR Code


Oct 29 2023


10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Make your own eco-friendly Boat of Light for Lai Hua Fai Festival

Join us to celebrate Luang Prabang’s stunning Boun Lai Hua Fai, by making your own eco-friendly krathong!

The Lai Heua Fai Festival, or “Boats of Light”, is one of the most famous and beautiful events in Luang Prabang. However, this celebration can have a negative impact on the local environment. In recent years, styrofoam, plastic, staples, and other non-natural materials have been used to create the “boats”, thousands of which are then floated down the Mekong River, a critical water source for Laos and surrounding countries.

This year join the celebration without leaving a trace, by making your own eco-friendly boat with us at TAEC! We use banana trunks for a buoyant base, real flowers and leaves for decorations, and bamboo twigs for pins.


FREE CULTURAL ACTIVITY included with 30,000kip entry ticket, kids under 12 are free.

At TAEC Museum ⟟ next to Dara Market