Local Time

  • Timezone: Europe/Riga
  • Date: Jun 16 2022
  • Time: 16:00 - 17:00
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Jun 16 2022


8:00 PM - 9:00 PM


Free. Donations welcome.

Webinar | Concrete Aspirations in Northern Laos

Associated with modernity and aspirations (Forty 2016), concrete is prevalent in transformations of houses and the build landscape worldwide and also in the uplands of northern Laos, where it increasingly replaces bamboo and timber houses.

In this talk, Dr. Stolz will sketch the move to concrete based on continuing and long-term research among and with Khmu speakers in northwestern laos. She will specifically focus on how aspirations feed into choosing concrete as a new building material, how concrete impacts on sociality and in how far appropriating concrete can be regarded as innovative agency of upland pioneers. 

ROSALIE STOLZ is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute of Anthropology at Heidelberg University in Germany. In her ethnographic research, focused on Southeast Asia (and Laos in particular), she specialises in the topics of houses, kinship, sociality and socio-economic change. As well as having published on kinship, spirits and houses in Social Analysis, Ethnos and HAU among others, she is co-editor of the special issue on ‘Upland Pioneers’ in the journal Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale (together with Oliver Tappe, 2021) and of Being a Parent in the Field: Implications and Challenges of Accompanied Fieldwork (2020, Transcript). She is author of Living Kinship, Fearing Spirits: Sociality among the Khmu of Northern Laos (2021, NIAS Press).

Click here to register for free on Eventbrite (donations welcome).