Traditionally inhabiting the remote highland areas of northern Laos, Akha traditional clothing consists of heavy indigo-dyed cotton adorned with applique and embroidery work. Akha women are often well recognised for their silver headdresses, which are a social status marker, and vary in style by geography and sub-group affiliation.

The whimsical Akha Biladjo crafts TAEC promotes were developed over several years by a French artist with a remote village in Phongsaly Province and is now a self-sustaining craft association. TAEC is proud to support this successful community-based project, stocking a wide variety of dolls, jewellery, and ornaments. TAEC also works with Akha Oma women of Phongsaly, selling products such as wine bottle carriers based on traditional leg wraps.

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Tags: Akha / Diversity / Embroidery / Sub Groups / Traditional Clothing