The Yao Mun began migrating from China approximately 200 years ago. There are now about 10,000 of them living in Laos, particularly in the north along the Chinese and Burmese borders. Others migrated to Vietnam, and some are still living in China. The Yao Mun are also known as Lanten, from Landian in Chinese which means “blue sky” (referring to their indigo-dyed clothing). They are also called the Lao Huay, which means “Lao of the streams”.

The Lanten are known for upholding their culture and traditional dress. Lanten families each grow cotton and indigo to produce their traditional clothing — blue tunics and trousers with a pink tassel belt for the women, and blue-black jackets and blue trousers for the men.The Yao Mun believe in Taoism, and use Chinese characters for their written language.Women also make very thin paper from bamboo shoots which is used in their religious practice.

Read more about the Lanten in Champa Meuanglao Magazine.


Meet Nyim

On a visit to Ban Nam Lue, our team was reunited with the petite but formidable artisan elder, Ms. Nyim. Back in 2006, she proudly showed us her indigo dyeing technique and now over 10 years later she’s still at it.

“I still dye and weave. When feel fine, I work on it, and when I’m sick I stop. I’m old now. We have finished our cotton growing this year. We grew 40 kilos! If I’m still alive next year will grow more!”

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Tags: Indigo / Lanten / Natural Dye / Traditional Clothing