Tai Dam women in traditional dress are easily recognised by their black headscarves edged with red and yellow trim and fitted blouses. The Tai Dam consider their original homeland to be Muang Thaeng (now Dien Bien Phu, Vietnam), from where they migrated to other parts of Vietnam and Laos. Tai Dam traditionally made mattresses, blankets, and bedding by hand – spinning, weaving, sewing, and stuffing each piece. They are also known for their intricate silks used as shawls, funeral shrouds, and skirts.
Tai Dam
Meet Noh
We have been working with Noh, a very talented Tai Dam weaver from Sing District, since 2006. She supplies us with rolls and rolls of her traditional (and vibrant) handwoven fabric. She and her husband Eh Joy have since branched out and are now clothing traders with the help of their son, who received a college degree in marketing from Guizhou, China. We love to see our artisans and their families grow, travel, and succeed through handicrafts!