

This headscarf was made in 1993, by Chankham, who is now in her mid-50s. It incorporates the ubiquitous miahwhu (spiral), ahiye (flower), and ahbulamah (spider) motifs, on handspun, handwoven, indigo-dyed cotton. Chankham created an unsual combination when she surrounded the khoesi motif (cowrie shell) with ghutsoetsoecheu, the t-shaped stitched patterns in a diamond. She also used some scraps of red dyed, handspun, handwoven cotton for the applique, which is unusal nowadays, with the availability of inexpensive market-bought cloth. Chankham gifted this headscarf to her daughter-in-law, Boutue, when she was moving to Sala Ehbeh Village in 2011.  

LENGTH: 308 cm x WIDTH: 23 cm

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TAEC has partnered with the Oma community of Laos to share their material culture and textile arts with the world. Funds from this sale will be split evenly between the artisan, the Oma initiative to protect and promote their traditional designs, and TAEC.